
Flower Mittens - Kainuun kukkalapaset

The first thing to say is that I didn't knit these :) My mum did and I just love these mittens. The design has been in a Finnish magazine and it is also sold as a kit. My mum fell in love with these and I was the lucky one to receive the first pair (she is planning to knit more...). So I'm almost hoping that the weather would get colder so I could wear these!

Everything I've been stitching is secret, so I can't show any photos yet, I'm sorry :)


Täytyy heti ensimmäisenä kiljaista, että en ole itse kutonut näitä lapasia. Älyttömän Ihana Tärkeä Ihminen kutoi minulle nämä Kainuun kukkalapaset, kun ihastui(mme) niihin. Ja minä sain nämä ensimmäiset, jipii, suunnitelmissa on kuulemma kutoa lisää samanlaisia. Mitenkähän olinkin niin onnekas, asiaan saattoi vaikuttaa jatkuva vihjailu ja lapasten omiminen jo tekovaiheessa... :)

Nyt voisi melkein toivoa pakkasia, että saisi vielä tänä talvena pitää näitä ihanuuksia! Pistelyrintamalla ei mitään julkaisukelpoista, kaikki pistelyt ovat vaihtoja sun muita salaisia projekteja.


Heather said...

Cute mittens :D Mom's are the best aren't they?

90% of my stitching is secret too! It's hard not so share it isn't it? :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my God - what wonderful mittens!!!!!!
Congrats to your mum - she is really an artist with needle & yarn.

Have a nice day-
Brigitte from Austria

Unknown said...

I absolutely love those mittens! Do you know how I can purchase the pattern or book? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Onpa ihanat! Mistä langasta neuloit lapaset? Nimim. minä kans

Anonymous said...

wonderful pattern, the flowers and berrys seems to glow on the dark blue background, if there are any possibility I most certainly would love to obtain a copy of the pattern.... the colors are so Nordic, powereful and strong..... and as another said in an earlier comment: mothers are great, aren't they?
*hug* from Fru Pigalopp in Norway

Anonymous said...

Oh...forgot, in case you have the pattern and are willing to share, this is my emailadress: pigalopp@online.no